Bleeding Heart Liberal










Ode to the bleeding heart liberal, thoughts for reflection.

What is a bleeding heart liberal?  

It’s a MADD mother who screams for stiff penalties against drunken drivers, then demands leniency when her husband or son is caught driving under the influence.

It’s a legislator who makes new laws every time the media exploits another criminal act into boredom.

It’s the legal system that won’t enforce the death penalty. The same legal system that pulls the teeth out of the laws as fast as the legislators can make them.

It’s the medical profession whose bills are so high that average Americans can’t afford them. The same medical profession that lobbies congress to underwrite their; BMWs, second houses, yachts, and airplanes, with tax dollars: because, the AMA can’t get a hundred percent of Americans insured, because insurance costs to much, because medical bills are too high.

It’s the feminists who demand the right to murder as a form of birth control; and the medical profession who perform the act, and the legislators who make the law, and the legal system who defends it.

Ever wonder why there are so many doctor and lawyer shows on TV? {BRAINWASH!}.

It’s the people who scream about the destruction of nature while they live in big houses, drive gas-guzzling cars, and pave the world.

It's gun control fanatics who believe taking freedom away from Americans and banning inanimate objects is a satisfactory substitute for moral values.

I wonder if it’s not all of us who sit around praying for God to bless America and expect him to do it while we fiddle?



To the NRA:
Give up the fight; let the government get on with the task of taking away the rest of our freedoms.

Disarm Americans, make America safe for criminals.

A novel thought:
What if we punished the wrongdoers, rather than taking freedom away from the majority?

Parents don't punish all their children for the wrongs committed by one.
A liberal would take toys away from all to prevent one from erring, rather than correcting the individual.

It doesn't matter what we collect, or what we want to own as long as we do it responsibly, without infringing on the rights of others. Why we want it, or do it, is our business, no one else's.

It's been fifty years since the last war. How many can remember why Americans fought and died. One word comes to mind: FREEDOM. Does the United States have to go the way of the Roman Empire, or the British, or all the other dynasties where the people became complacent and the government became to powerful?


Another interesting comparison:

Number of physicians in the U.S. 700,000
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year 120,000
Accidental deaths per physician 0.171 or 17.1%

Number of gun owners in the U.S. 80,000,000
Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) 1,500
Accidental deaths per gun owner 0.0000188
(That's less than the 1/100 of one percent)

Wonder what the percentage would be for carowners? Let's ban cars!

This week we turned the tube back on to see what happened in New York and Washington. A few days later; airplanes crashing into large buildings, killing and maiming thousands of people is as boring as the good deeds of wonderful people that the media ignore. Think we'll stop watching the boob tube again?


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Thoughts and opinions welcome.   joe(at)rittenhouseii(dot)com

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